Eco4 Scheme Eligibility

Eco4 Scheme Eligibility


  1. Introduction
  2. What is the Eco4 Scheme?
  3. Eligibility Criteria
    • Income Requirements
    • Property Ownership
    • Boiler Age
  4. Application Process
    • How to Apply
    • Required Documents
  5. Benefits of the Eco4 Scheme
    • Lower Energy Bills
    • Reduced Carbon Footprint
  6. FAQs
    • How do I know if my boiler is eligible for the Eco4 Scheme?
    • Can I apply for the Eco4 Scheme if I rent my property?
    • How long does it take to process an Eco4 Scheme application?
    • Will I have to pay anything upfront to participate in the Eco4 Scheme?
    • Can I apply for the Eco4 Scheme if I have solar panels installed?

Eco4 Scheme Eligibility


The Eco4 Scheme is a government initiative aimed at helping homeowners in the UK reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint by providing grants for energy-efficient home improvements. One of the key aspects of the Eco4 Scheme is its focus on replacing old and inefficient boilers with new, energy-efficient models. To qualify for the Eco4 Scheme, homeowners need to meet certain eligibility criteria.

What is the Eco4 Scheme?

The Eco4 Scheme, also known as the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), was introduced by the UK government to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. Under the scheme,Eco4 Scheme Eligibility energy companies are required to provide funding for energy-efficient home improvements, such as insulation and boiler replacements, for eligible households.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Eco4 Scheme, homeowners need to meet the following criteria:

Income Requirements

Households with a gross annual income of less than £30,000 may be eligible for the Eco4 Scheme. The exact income threshold may vary depending on the size of the household and the location of the property.

Property Ownership

Only homeowners are eligible for the Eco4 Scheme. Tenants, landlords, and social housing tenants are not eligible unless they have permission from their landlord or housing association.

Boiler Age

The boiler being replaced must be at least 5 years old and in working condition. If the boiler is less than 5 years old but is deemed to be inefficient, it may still be eligible for replacement under the Eco4 Scheme.

Application Process

To apply for the Eco4 Scheme, homeowners need to contact an approved installer who will assess their eligibility and carry out the necessary work. The installer will also help homeowners apply for the grant and provide guidance on the required documents.

How to Apply

Homeowners can find a list of approved installers on the Eco4 Scheme website or contact their energy supplier for more information. Once a suitable installer has been found, homeowners can arrange for a survey to be carried out to assess the property’s eligibility.

Required Documents

To apply for the Eco4 Scheme, homeowners will need to provide the following documents:

  • Proof of income
  • Property ownership documents
  • Boiler age and condition
  • Energy performance certificate (EPC)

Benefits of the Eco4 Scheme

The Eco4 Scheme offers several benefits to homeowners, including:

Lower Energy Bills

By replacing old and inefficient boilers with new, energy-efficient models, homeowners can significantly reduce their energy bills. New boilers are more efficient and use less fuel, resulting in lower heating costs.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

The Eco4 Scheme helps reduce carbon emissions by promoting the use of energy-efficient appliances. By upgrading to a new boiler, ZH Energy Solutions provide Eco4 Scheme Eligibility homeowners can reduce their carbon footprint and help protect the environment.


How do I know if my boiler is eligible for the Eco4 Scheme?

To find out if your boiler is eligible for the Eco4 Scheme, you will need to contact an approved installer who will assess your boiler’s age and condition.

Can I apply for the Eco4 Scheme if I rent my property?

No, only homeowners are eligible for the Eco4 Scheme. Tenants will need to seek permission from their landlord or housing association to apply.

How long does it take to process an Eco4 Scheme application?

The time taken to process an Eco4 Scheme application can vary depending on the installer and the complexity of the application. In general, it can take several weeks to process an application.

Will I have to pay anything upfront to participate in the Eco4 Scheme?

No, homeowners do not have to pay anything upfront to participate in the Eco4 Scheme. The cost of the new boiler and installation is covered by the grant.

Can I apply for the Eco4 Scheme if I have solar panels installed?

Yes, homeowners with solar panels installed are still eligible for the Eco4 Scheme. However, the grant cannot be used to fund the installation of solar panels.